Camden Historical Books
The new “Old Camden Orchard Hill Cemetery Restoration Project,” “Restaurants, Hotels, Taverns and Boarding Houses of Camden” and and the “Bicentennial 1818-2018” are all for sale! You can purchase the books at the Camden Archives (located in the Camden Town Hall) during open hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays (1:30-4:30), and the 1st Saturday of each month (10:00am-2:00pm). The books are also available for purchase at the Camden Library.
The newest book, Old Camden Orchard Hill Cemetery Restoration Project contains 170-pages of text and photos, the cemetery’s history and information about those buried there. It is $25.
The Restaurants, Hotels, Taverns and Boarding Houses of Camden was researched and written by Camden Archivist Janice Blevins and focuses on just what the title implies. What a wonderful history of interesting information about Camden’s glorious past. The cost is $20.
The Bicentennial 1818-2018 book was researched, written and printed by our friends at the Camden Archives. and is photograph-driven, mostly color photos accompanied by researched text. It focuses on Camden’s history–particularly businesses– in the time since the Sesquicentennial Booklet was printed in 1968. The book took a lot of time and work, but was a “labor of love” for the women at the Archives. The cost is $20
All proceeds from the sale of books benefit the Camden Archives.
In addition, the 1968 Camden Sesquicentennial History Book (the Blue Book) is now available to download at: Now that the Bicentennial Book is available, the Archives recently retired this Sesquicentennial book from print and made the entire 48-page book available (and can be downloaded one chapter/section at a time.) Camden is forever indebted to the compilers of the 1968 Sesquicentennial Book, Dr., H.G. Headley (Chairman), Mrs. Ruth Neff, Mrs. Jane Headley, Miss Nelle Jones, Mr. Harry Neff, Mrs. Shirley Duskey, Mr. Charles Douglas (Douglas spelled with one “s” in the book), and Mr. James Feix. (This was accomplished back in the day of typewriters and carbon paper rather than word processors and computers.)
We want to thank the ladies of the Archives for these books and all you do to preserve Camden’s rich and interesting history.