Camden is proud to have a full-time police force. Headed by Chief Matthew W. Spurlock, our Camden Police Officers work hard to keep our village safe, provide protection and assistance to Camden citizens and are an important part of and partner in our community. You can find the department's mission statement here.
Currently, Camden has both full- and part-time officers and one K-9 "deputy" Enzo. In addition, one office serves as the school resource officer (SRO) assigned to and providing service to the Camden Elementary School.

About Our Police Force

- Firearms training (state required 1 training annual, our officers do 4!)
- Active Shooter Training
- Drug Enforcement Training
- Crime Scene/Forensic Evidence Training
- Crime Scene Simulation Training
- K-9 Regular and Advanced Training
Citizens have the right to make a complaint against a police officer for any improper police conduct. This agency may find after investigation that is the case. You have the right to make the complaint and have it investigated if you believe an officer behaved inappropriately.
It is against the law, though, to make a complaint that you know to be false. If you make a complaint against an officer knowing that it is false, you can be prosecuted on a misdemeanor charge.
If you wish to make a complaint against a Camden Police Officer, please download, print, fill out and return the form via the link provided. We will be in contact with you regarding your complaint.
The two pictures below are from K-9 Officer Cagg's graduation. Pictured left to right in the group photo are: Retired Sgt. Ted Priest (Dayton Airport), Chief of Police (Jackson Center PD) Chuck Wyrick, K9 Ofc. Jamie Cagg (CPD) and Captain Matt Lunsford (PCSO).
These men were instrumental in the training of both the officer and the canine.They sacrificed many hours to assist the Camden Police Department, doing all of this as a volunteer on their own time. There is something to be said about these men who just want to help the future of their chosen profession.
Members of the Camden Police Department are wonderful partners in our community.
Camden Police Department provides a much-appreciated Camden Primary School Resource Officer.
- For the past seven years, the department has partnered with the village administrative offices, water department, street and maintenance to collect & raise money to deliver Christmas hams to Camden-area families and stockings for children in our community in December.
In 2020, Camden PD welcomed the first ever department Chaplain. We are very proud and thankful to have this service. Pastor Greg Jackson was officially sworn in by the Mayor and Camden Village Council and welcomed by the officers of the department.
- The Department held a a Mock Lock-Down Training Activity with staff at the Camden Primary School.
- Camden's Police Department hosted its first annual Citizens Police Academy (CPA). The training and informative class was hosted at the Camden Police Department and was instructed by Detective Jeremiah Morgan.“This a great thing for Camden Police Department and the Citizens of Camden because it tears down the wall and gives the citizens of Camden a small sample of what we do on a daily basis.
However, the most important thing is that it builds a community relationship between the Police Department and Citizens and that in itself is invaluable. We hope to grow this event each year,” Detective Morgan said. The department hopes to hold another CPA class soon.
- The Department conducts their own investigations and seizures, and assists neighboring departments as well. Examples of their dedicated work include:
- Camden's Police Department hosted its first annual Citizens Police Academy (CPA). The training and informative class was hosted at the Camden Police Department and was instructed by Detective Jeremiah Morgan.“This a great thing for Camden Police Department and the Citizens of Camden because it tears down the wall and gives the citizens of Camden a small sample of what we do on a daily basis.
An example of a seizure of evidence from a drug investigaton.
"Camden PD Chief Matt Spurlock, Trenton PD arrest 3 men in Connection to Semi-Truck Theft," Register Herald, January 26, 2021