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May 10, 2023 all-day
Village of Camden
Village of Camden
Camden’s 2023 CLEAN UP WEEK is scheduled for May 8-12.
Village employees will pick up and transport large trash items to the county landfill for residents. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Upholstered items (i.e., couches, chairs, mattresses – items susceptible to bed bugs) must be wrapped in plastic. Large plastic bags for this purpose are available for purchase at the Village office ($8 each).
- There is a maximum of 10 items per address/location.
- There will only be ONE pick up per address/location during the week. Residents should only put items at the curb when you are ready for your one pick up.
- Because these items require special disposal, we will not pick up the following items:
Chemicals of any kind
Refrigerators or Air Conditioners
If you have any questions, please call the the village office at 937-452-7547.